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Here we will share our thoughts, updates and general musings regarding floating.


My journey with float therapy began when I was 14 years old. For some of us, it is hard to put in perspective the ways that we have changed as we have gotten older. For me back then - it was hard to imagine getting older at all. Growing up, I was battling multiple different mental health issues and was struggling to keep up with the growing list of demands that life serves us with. Sensory deprivation therapy is one of the things that changed my trajectory.

There is so much value in beginning to understand yourself, to allot the time required to take in everything around you and to let it go when needed. Floating has taken me from the depths of my mind, deeper, and back again in virtually every way. Growing up as a neurodivergent person is really overwhelming. Simple things that are a part of daily life are genuinely the most draining and monotonous challenges that neurodivergent people face, not to mention there is an enormous stigma following mental health issues. Floating for me was a message to the universe answered in the most profound way and I view it as a personal practice that I cannot live without. My younger self would tell you it was an escape from reality but my current self is writing to you now understanding that this is an indulgence in yourself and the qualities of being human. After almost six years of floating, I can recommend it to anyone though I hope that more people like me will find this service and be able to spiritually and emotionally grow as a result. Already, I can see a community of floaters forming and have heard many similar stories of success. One of the things that I can attribute to floating is the improved relationship I have with my body and my mind. Another is the improvement of sensory issues and how they factor into my life both then, and now, as an adult.

As I have grown older, I can thank float therapy for providing my safe place and somewhere that I can always drift back to. Within that water, I have reignited my passion for art which has now become my major in college. I have counselled myself through wanting to give up, and it has taken the weight off of my shoulders mentally and physically. My practice in floating practically saved me from a life of addiction. It opened my mind in a spiritual sense and influenced my beliefs in the world, people, and how everything operates. The value of this service, for young and old, is immense. It truly pushes its participants to emanate their best selves.

Based on my experience I can only tell you to jump into this experience. If you are parents reaching for an avenue of healing for their child, someone in the midst of grief, experiencing trauma, PTSD, sensory issues, anxiety and depression, or you are living with a difference that makes normal social and physical interactions a challenge, I truly think that this is an avenue that can only benefit you. The great thing about this therapy is that it welcomes you with open arms. My recommendations are - do not tell yourself that you do not have time. Make the time.

Understand that floating is not always a walk in the park, it may make you face the uncomfortable things about yourself.

Most importantly, stay consistent and listen within.

- Payton

Courtesy from Art of The Float.

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Have you ever noticed the multitude of times we say "No" to ourselves, and the various ways we do it?

Sometimes, it's about sticking to healthy boundaries we've set, like resisting cravings for unhealthy things or limiting screen time. However, there are other instances when we neglect self-care, reluctantly agree to others' demands, ignore our body's need for rest, or stay in situations or relationships that no longer serve us.

Our society glorifies the constant grind and hustle, often overlooking the importance of rest and relaxation. Taking time to do "nothing" is considered unproductive, leading to feelings of guilt. These beliefs become deeply ingrained, shaping our interactions with the world and the relationships we build. Over time, this can lead to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, as well as strained relationships due to unaddressed resentment towards others, when, in reality, we are contributing to this by neglecting ourselves.

I found myself in this place seven years ago, hitting rock bottom, the darkest I had ever felt – burned out, physically ill, emotionally unstable, and ready to give up on everything, even my responsibilities as a parent. The guilt I felt due to feeling this way, only added to the overwhelming despair. Burnout and overwhelm can have a significant impact, but they are often disregarded in our society, leaving those who experience them struggling to find help and understanding. I received advice like "just relax and have a nap" or "think positive," but these platitudes were not helpful. I realised I had to find healing from within.

I committed to healing. I sought out support and help from practitioners and professionals that aligned with my goals. I discovered I had an autoimmune condition, which was part of the contributing cause of how awful I had been feeling. I surrendered to the flow and natural ebbs and flow in the healing process, focusing first on establishing a regular meditation practice, daily movement with yoga and walking, and prioritising sleep. Once I felt stronger I incorporated more

active regular exercise. After a while I felt I could delve deeper into learning other stress reduction methods. It was then that I discovered float therapy as a therapeutic practice. Once I tried floating and experienced its profound effects on my well-being, I was amazed at its profound impact and effects. Floating has transformed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. It has helped change and shape my relationship with myself, with stress, and with how I interact with the world around me.

While I still face challenges and old patterns rise up from time to time, floating has helped me establish a grounded, intentional approach to life. It has allowed me to navigate through stress with resilience and self-awareness, and approaching life with a growth mindset and ending the self-betrayal that led me to that dark place not so long ago. My autoimmune condition still flares up occasionally, but I now have the tools and mindset to cope effectively. And most importantly, helped me create a new foundation for building up the person I am and want to be...including the promise to myself that I will not end up as disconnected from myself as I was before my healing journey.

Today, when people ask why I am so calm and easy going, I proudly attribute it to float therapy. It has elevated my life in so many ways, and I wouldn't trade the journey it took to get here for anything.

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In a world where chronic pain affects millions, finding effective solutions that go beyond conventional treatments can be a challenging pursuit. Amid this quest, an intriguing practice known as float therapy has emerged as a promising avenue for alleviating the burdens of persistent pain. With its unique approach and potential benefits, float therapy is gaining traction as a complementary method to combat the challenges posed by chronic pain.

Unveiling the Landscape of Chronic Pain Chronic pain is a complex tapestry of physical discomfort and emotional strain, often arising from conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, and more. This constant companion can disrupt daily routines, limit activities, and adversely affect mental well-being. While medications and therapies offer relief to some extent, many individuals are in search of alternatives that can provide a deeper, more holistic approach to pain management.

Floating Towards Pain Relief Float therapy, also known as sensory isolation or flotation tank therapy, involves immersing oneself in a serene pod filled with buoyant water enriched with Epsom salts. The sensation of weightlessness combined with the absence of external stimuli creates an environment that holds immense potential for easing chronic pain. Here's how float therapy can be harnessed to combat the symptoms of persistent pain:

  1. Muscle Relaxation: The buoyancy of the water relieves pressure on joints and muscles, promoting relaxation and decreasing tension. This relief from physical strain can significantly alleviate pain, particularly for individuals dealing with conditions like arthritis or musculoskeletal issues.

  2. Reduced Inflammation: Epsom salt, composed of magnesium sulphate, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The absorption of magnesium through the skin during a float therapy session can potentially help reduce inflammation, a common contributor to chronic pain.

  3. Pain Distraction: Float therapy's unique environment—free from visual and auditory distractions—encourages a deep state of relaxation. This mental diversion from pain can lead to decreased perception of discomfort, providing temporary relief and fostering a positive mindset.

  4. Endorphin Release: The sensory deprivation aspect of float therapy prompts the brain to release endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving chemicals. This surge of feel-good neurotransmitters can lead to a reduction in pain sensation and an overall improvement in mood.

Embracing Float Therapy for Chronic Pain If you're considering float therapy as a means to manage chronic pain, here are a few tips to enhance your experience:

  1. Consultation: Before starting, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure float therapy is a safe and suitable option for your specific condition.

  2. Regular Sessions: Similar to other therapies, the benefits of float therapy may accumulate over time. Consistent sessions can lead to more pronounced and lasting pain relief.

  3. Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing or mindfulness exercises before entering the float pod to enhance relaxation and maximise the therapeutic effects.

  4. Hydration: Drink plenty of water before and after a session to stay adequately hydrated, as the Epsom salt in the water can have a mild dehydrating effect.

  5. Integration: Combine float therapy with other pain management strategies, such as physical therapy, gentle exercise, and proper nutrition, for a well-rounded approach.

A Path to Gentle Healing While float therapy isn't a replacement for medical treatments, its potential to alleviate the symptoms of chronic pain offers a ray of hope for those seeking holistic alternatives. By addressing both the physical and emotional facets of pain, float therapy provides a unique space for healing, relaxation, and improved well-being.

As you navigate the journey of managing chronic pain, consider float therapy as a complementary practice that can enhance your overall quality of life. Embrace the opportunity to float away from the grips of pain and step into a realm of tranquillity, where relief and comfort await.

Join us today. Peace awaits.

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